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Essay on medical marijuana

Essay on medical marijuana

essay on medical marijuana

18/08/ · So, the most common medical applications of marijuana are: – Relief from nausea and increase of appetite; – Reduction of intraocular pressure; – Reduction of muscle spasms; According to Jane E. Brody (), “the strongest evidence for the health benefits of medical marijuana or its derivatives involves the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain and the 2/12/ · The marijuana plant is comprised of approximately different chemicals known as cannabidiol (CBD) which are used in medicine (Wen et al., ). The delta-9

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Essay (A+ Argumentative Essay)

The issue of legalization of marijuana and its application for medical purposes has been rather controversial for a long period of time. A lot pf people and scientists argued, that this is still a drug and should not become an officially legalized one, as there will be a risk of increase of illegal sales and marijuana abuse. In this paper we are going to study the most common medical applications of this light drug and will prove, that marijuana is actually one of the safest active substances for therapeutic aims, providing zero risk of overdose and at the same time ensuring a wide essay on medical marijuana of possible applications in essay on medical marijuana. We are going to start from historical development of marijuana problem.

Before the year there were around 27 medicines in use, essay on medical marijuana, which contained marijuana and were absolutely legal in America. The most well-known examples of them were essay on medical marijuana by such companies as Squibb and Eli Lilly. In the Marijuana Tax Act was issued, this act brought banning of this plant, essay on medical marijuana. One of the strongest opponents of this act essay on medical marijuana Dr. William Woodward, he tried to pay attention of the administration to the fact, that actual banning of marijuana would lead to banning it as the medical constituent part as well.

Several decades later, namely in the yearthe Controlled Substances Act presented the five schedules of all drugs, where marijuana was referred to the first one �� �defining it as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medicinal use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision�� Ben, Not all specialists however could agree, that this definition was corresponding to marijuana. The main problem was, that due to the fact, that for already three decades marijuana was not in use and its medical characteristics were almost forgotten, instead it was considered to be one of the serious drugs. In the same year, medical application of marijuana was rediscovered again, essay on medical marijuana.

Some researchers started to study the history of medical use of marijuana and came to the conclusion, that it really had sufficient potential as medicine. As a result a lot of patients started to use marijuana, although it was still not subscribed by doctors officially. Two years later a petition was sent to the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, to refer marijuana to another schedule, for it to be available by prescription. The major arguments were: �Marijuana in its natural form, essay on medical marijuana, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known��, It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA ton continue to stand between those suffers and the essay on medical marijuana of this substance���� Grotenhermen, The movement of marijuana to the second Schedule would allow doctors proscribe it to patients, who needed it.

This appeal of Judge Young was not accepted and he got the rejection from DEA management. Other appeals followed later, but they were of little success either, essay on medical marijuana. However this was not the end of marijuana struggle. Ina man, suffering from glaucoma, Robert Randall was arrested because he cultivated marijuana. He managed to prove in the court, that the only reason why he did it, was his illness and his own need in this medicine. The case was won thanks to �medical necessity defence��, essay on medical marijuana. What was allowed to one patient could not be prohibited to other, essay on medical marijuana appeared the Investigational New Drug compassionate access program, for those people, who could receive marijuana access from the government Ben, Certainly this program brought relief to people, who needed marijuana treatment, because before many of them had doubts, that essay on medical marijuana drug might be helpful for them, others simply were not aware of the medical strength of the plant, or there was a problem to find a doctor, who would agree to risk and advise unofficially this medicine.

In unfortunately due to the increase of number of applications from people, suffering from AIDS Bush and his administration took the decision to close this program and during the years of Clinton the situation was not changed. Thus this program operates legally only to those patients, essay on medical marijuana, who were initially registered within it. We are to underline, that public support was not considered as a sufficient argument pro legalization of marijuana medicines, although there were several vivid examples of it. State authorities have the power to free seriously ill patients from state level legal responsibility and punishment as well as the doctors, who recommend marijuana to such patients. There were several attempts from the side of the patients to struggle officially in courts for their right to apply marijuana legally, however these attempts were of no success.

The courts are working together with DEA in this situation, and DEA strongly insists on prohibition of medical application of marijuana as well as marijuana itself. There are some researches done at the moment as for the medical potential of this drug, but the National Institute on Drug Abuse made it really problematic for any researchers to obtain marijuana legally for any kind of studies. Unfortunately, patients, who need marijuana, still continue to suffer, as long as there are not enough arguments for the USA administration for its legalization. However, there are enough facts, which are evident without further researches �� marijuana is able to damage health of people as well as it has the potential for positive effects in case it is used to cure some diseases.

This is already enough for making this drug legal in case, it is subscribed by the doctor. Before studying the medical characteristics of marijuana, it is necessary to provide the definition of it: �There are several names for marijuana in the Schedule 1: hemp, Indian hemp, marijuana, cannabis. Officially the term marijuana means �all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L. All the things, mentioned in this definition, are just examples of marijuana application and do not observe all its potential. There exists also fiber, oil, sterilized seeds of the plant, which play a vitally important role for its medical application.

Certainly it is hard not to agree, that the problem of marijuana is a rather controversial one, but on the other hand, the arguments pro its legalization are strong enough as long as we are talking about health of people. First of all certainly because of possible addiction of people, who would abuse this drug. If people have free choice as for alcohol and smoking, why should there be the restrains concerning marijuana. Normally, illegal are considered to be the actions of people, which cause harm to others, in the case with medical application of marijuana there is no harm done to anybody, moreover there is a number of positive outcomes.

Thus it is logically, that as long as there is no harm to other people, an individual should have the choice either to include marijuana into his treatment program or not. Further in this paper we are going to stop in details upon the medical importance of marijuana. The main list of diseases, for treatment or relief of which marijuana can be applied is the following:. AIDS �� marijuana is usually used for the patients, when they suffer from loss of appetite and problems with vomiting, which are often the results of most of other medications against AIDS.

According to the researches, done by the Columbia University, the patients with AIDS, who inhaled essay on medical marijuana several times per day, reported sufficient increase in food intake. The researches of done by another University of California concluded, that marijuana was rather helpful in pain essay on medical marijuana and brought rapid relief in comparison to other medications. The pain perception is modulated due to the cannabinoid receptors. At the same time there were no reports about seriously negative effects of marijuana during the process of treatment of the patients with HIV or AIDS, essay on medical marijuana. Glaucoma �� intraocular pressure is reduced with the help of marijuana, the pain is lessened, and the progress of the condition goes slower or sometimes even stops after application of marijuana.

The history of application of marijuana for glaucoma treatment is rather long, already in scientists came to the conclusion, that marijuana is able to reduce pressure in the eyes. The exact mechanism of this effect was not studied percent yet. CB1 receptors were defined in the eyes, which are most likely related to the effects of marijuana on glaucoma. There are certainly a number of other medications for glaucoma treatment, but experiments show, that their effects are often rather short �� time, as they loose their effectiveness. There is the main aim for the scientists now, to work out the medication with cannabinoids, which could be put directly on eyes, instead of long inhalation of marijuana, which still has some side effects for the patient.

Cancer �� after such treatment as chemotherapy, patients suffer from vomiting, nausea, problems with appetite, in such cases marijuana might be rather helpful. Multiple sclerosis �� due to the fact, that marijuana is able to reduce spasms and pain in muscles, which are inevitable for this disease, it could be of great help for such patients, Besides, it is applied by tremor and unsteadiness of gait, essay on medical marijuana. Not many people are aware of the fact, that multiple sclerosis is a serious problem not only for middle-aged people, but for young people in America as well. Epilepsy �� for some patients marijuana reduces the number of epileptic seizures, or event prevents them.

Chronic pain �� this is classical application of marijuana, as in numerous cases of injuries, essay on medical marijuana, diseases and so on chronic pain might be reduced with the help of marijuana Grotenhermen, Further researches proved, essay on medical marijuana, that marijuana might be rather helpful for treating arthritis, menstrual cramps, mood disorders, alcohol addition. Taking into consideration this long list of diseases, we can conclude, that legal medical treatment with marijuana could be of great support for thousands of people, whereas in reality only some of the patients are able to get the special permission from the federal government for such treatment legally. But to be honest, in the position of a sick person, who would have the choice, either to suffer and to remain law-abiding or to find relief for his sufferings by using marijuana and break the law at the same time, what would any of us do?

Probably most of essay on medical marijuana would choose the second variant. This is inhuman to put a person, who already suffers from a serious disease, at risk of criminal punishment or penalty. Certainly it is difficult to deny, that legalization of marijuana would not have purely positive outcomes and would not cause any problems for the society in general. It is clear, that the risk of addiction remains absolutely actual. On the other hand, nowadays there are enough addicted people, essay on medical marijuana spite of the fact, that marijuana remains illegal, thus strict legalization is probably a bad solution for the problem of addiction. Besides, illegal marijuana is often the cause of violence, as addicted people are ready to do a lot of things in order to get their dose.

Essay on medical marijuana in some cases is even able to increase drug abuse, as we all know about the forbidden fruit, especially for young people, essay on medical marijuana. The fact, that marijuana is forbidden and at the same time available makes it rather popular. If to compare with alcohol we see, essay on medical marijuana, that for teenagers it is easier to buy marijuana, because alcohol is legal and thus controlled by the government. Is it not better in this case to concentrate upon open and honest programs for young people, as the most vulnerable ones, essay on medical marijuana, explaining the problem, providing free education concerning the drugs abuse and the possible consequences, instead of simple banning of drugs?

The lesson with alcohol prohibition must be a good one for the situation with marijuana as well. Some opponents of marijuana legalization are sure, that if this drug becomes legal, the doctors, who have the right to subscribe it would became a part of black market chain for distribution of drugs, instead of proscribing them strictly to those, who need it due to their diseases. This is certainly a risk, which can be in a way controlled and is finally worth having, if compared to the relief, brought to the patients. We agree, essay on medical marijuana, that government bears the responsibility for its people and thus should have control over marijuana as one of the drugs, which is able to cause enough problems for the society and young generation.

But medical application of marijuana still stands apart of general issues about drugs abuse. People, who want to reduce their pain or doctors, who try to use all the possible chances to help their patients, should never be put in the same range as criminal, drug dealers or drug addicted criminals. Such patients, as opposed to the last ones, are not able to do any harm to people around them due to application of marijuana. Certainly the decision of making marijuana legal for medical purposes can be considered easy and quick, but at least it needs thorough consideration and examination before. Probably seldom people think about the financial side of the issue, whereas keeping marijuana illegal costs more for the state, than making it a legal drug. Federal government, state authorities are to give out millions of dollars in order to control and punish all people who use marijuana, irrespective of the reason, why people do that.

All of them are arrested and sent to prisons, whereas some part of them do not belong to criminal world and are simply sick people. It would seem more sensible to make marijuana a legal medicine and collect taxes from it, instead of remaining blind to its medical potential. Overall, we have studied the problem of marijuana legalization for medical purposes. We studied the historical development of the approaches to the issues and the debates over marijuana legalization. We listed a number of diseases, which can be if not treated, but at least alleviated with the help of cannabis or marijuana, including glaucoma, AIDS, cancer, chronic pain essay on medical marijuana so on. We considered the arguments against marijuana legalization and provided contra arguments pro making this drug legal for medical purposes.

Thus we can conclude, essay on medical marijuana, that essay on medical marijuana or marijuana is a unique drug, the medical potential of which should not be underestimated or all the more ignored. Home news Free essays Medical Marijuana Essay. August 18, Posted by: essay Category: Free essays No Comments. So, the most common medical applications of marijuana are: — Relief from nausea and increase of appetite; — Reduction of intraocular pressure; — Reduction of muscle spasms; — Relief from chronic pain. The main list of diseases, for treatment or relief of which marijuana can be applied is the following: 1.

Chronic pain �� this is classical application of marijuana, as in numerous cases of injuries, trauma, diseases and so on chronic pain might be reduced with the help of marijuana Grotenhermen, Further researches proved, that marijuana might be rather helpful for treating arthritis, menstrual cramps, mood disorders, alcohol addition, essay on medical marijuana. Medical Marijuana Essay.

Persuasive Speech: Legalization of Marijuana

, time: 6:51

Medical Marijuana Essay -

essay on medical marijuana

15/07/ · Except problems in physical health, marijuana has the negative impact on the psychological state of people. It worsens person’s ability to focus, recollect events, and form 22/03/ · In conclusion, Marijuana is a very efficacious drug for medical use and therefore it needs to be legalized. We should stop grouping marijuana, a useful drug, with narcotics such Essay About Medical Marijuana Whether or not medical marijuana should be legalized is one of the most controversial topics of today. I believe that medical marijuana is not the way to go.

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