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Telling the truth essay

Telling the truth essay

telling the truth essay

TRUTH-TELLING 8 Summary ofWhat Is Known About the Issue In all thetimes that the physicians communicate with their patients, honestyis among the important ways to nurture hope and Dickinson’s “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-” brings to light the overwhelming theme of how one should tell the truth. It also illuminates the development of the extended metaphor of Telling the truth is better than hurting the people with the lies. Truth is the foundation for a good relationship. Once we tell a lie, we will have to speak many lies. Telling a lie will give only

Truth-Telling essay Essay — Free college essays

PsychologyPhilosophy. Developmental PsychologyPhilosophical Concept. LieTruth. From a young age, we are taught that telling the truth is always the right thing to do no matter the consequences. The concept seems simple, but yet many of us struggle with discerning when we should tell the truth and when it may not be necessary. If this concept is simple enough that a child can grasp it then why does the line become blurred so quickly from one scene to another? There seem to be times were people deem not telling the truth justifiable and not necessary. In certain instances, telling the truth essay, people withhold the truth for their benefit or to avoid getting themselves into conflicts.

This essay intends to explore the principle and definition behind telling the truth and navigate through different perspectives have its various considerations and moral justifications on how it should be telling the truth essay to our daily lives. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject Min. If someone makes a statement that holds incorrect knowledge that they are unaware of this is not considered a lie, also a statement does not have to be malicious to be a lie, a white lie is still a lie regardless of the intention. For example, if a person tells a lie and later discovers that their statement was true, they still told a lie because they had the intent to mislead for their purpose. There can be overlap between falsity, deceit, telling the truth essay, lying, withholding information, to tackle the issue at hand we need to single out the times where there is an intention to withhold the truth.

The key is not in the information being told but, in the intention to deceive or mislead. It is up for discussion whether there has to be a statement at all for there to be a lie, some consider yes, some consider silence as a form of deceiving and therefore also a lie. For this telling the truth essay, we will refer to statements made. Unlike many other issues, most can telling the truth essay that telling the truth is good and the right thing, the question is when, if at all, are there scenarios in which it may be ethical to withhold the truth. Do you tell the truth even when the truth will cause more harm than not knowing, what about when it comes to protecting someone?

Many scenarios make us think twice about telling the truth. In the Telling the truth essay, there are instances where people lied for good the BibleThere, telling the truth essay, but God explicitly tells us that lying is incorrect. It may be worthwhile asking, to understand, why lying is wrong. There are different reasons and they will resonate differently case by case because people think about ethics differently. From a religious point of view, it is wrong because God says so and it misuses communication, from a philosophical point of view it is wrong because as a society we have a duty, to tell the truth. Some lies are commonly thought of as justifiable, lies in wartime, lies to protect life, lies to protect confidentiality.

We can think telling the truth essay many conflicting situations where the ethics of telling the whole truth can be questioned. But when is it okay to lie? Should doctors lie to their dying patients to avoid additional stress, anxiety, and fear that would be brought on with the truth? Should researchers send disguised actors to real estate agents to uncover racial inequality? Should journalists lie to receive information exposing illegal actions? Should professors exaggerate the qualifications telling the truth essay recommendation letters to give the students a better chance? When we are in a difficult situation, values like compassion, respect, and justice can seem more important than telling the truth when wanting to do the right thing.

These are all example scenarios where the line becomes harder to draw and we begin to question what the ethical thing to do is, even though there are philosophical and religious views that clearly state that lying, under very rare circumstances, if ever, is acceptable. Philosopher Immanuel Kant famously claimed that lying is never permissible and always morally wrong. A person cannot make a rational choice without having all the information. An important point to make is that Kant believed that when making decisions we should view others as an end when making decisions ather than as a mean. If we view people as means to an end we are putting our goals and objectives about them. This can all be avoided by telling the truth no matter the circumstances.

Based on this perspective withholding the truth is morally wrong because it goes against the virtue of honesty. But in some cases where telling the truth could cause pain or put someone in danger it is morally acceptable to lie because of what is at stake. A difficulty with this approach is that there may be times when there are two conflicting issues: honesty and loyalty. When faced with two conflicting options virtue ethics challenges us to act accordingly to our values and our best versions. From a utilitarian perspective, telling the truth essay, whether lying is morally acceptable or not is based on the consequences rather than the action in itself.

The action needs to be analyzed to determine the result, what makes it morally okay is it being beneficial. Utilitarians believe that a lie is justified if it for the greater good, so telling the truth is moral but only based on the result. If lying will achieve a better overall consequence then it would be immoral not to do so, telling the truth essay, the action is immoral when it furthers you from your best self. Utilitarianism has one major flaw; the person must make an accurate estimate of the result hoping that the option they chose is the telling the truth essay with a better outcome.

The issue here telling the truth essay that there is no concrete way to know how something will turn out, therefore, telling the truth essay, eliminating the notion of being able to choose a better outcome. When making decisions in this manner it becomes easy to underestimate and ignore the consequences in the long run and to society. If people continue to justify lying, regardless of the reason, then trust declines and society becomes more cynical. It is near impossible to know what consequences a lie will bring and if it will bring more good than the actual truth, making it even harder to decide between two choices that have no results yet, telling the truth essay.

Lying oftentimes leads to many other outcomes we did not anticipate and that requires us to continue to lie to maintain the initial lie. For this reason, critics maintain that it is morally wrong. Another case in which not telling the truth may be considered morally acceptable is if it intends to benefit someone else other than yourself. This is the idea of altruism, putting someone else before your purpose. An example of this can be illustrated easily in a medical setting, a doctor may decide to lie to a patient about their condition with the reasoning of not wanting them to become more depressed, but withholding that information has many flaws.

In theory, it seems rational, but this scenario also creates false hope in the patient. There are so many different perspectives ruled by a different set of values and no common telling the truth essay, causing conflict and disagreement. The bigger issue seems to stem from the fact that regardless of what people believe to be right or wrong they do not evaluate their own beliefs when in a situation. So, perhaps an initial solution would be to be more self-aware of what we believe and commit to it. Get quality help now Prof Saney. Proficient in: Developmental PsychologyPhilosophical Concept. It is a fact that experts have also prove that it is not a good thing to say lie with others. However, in some circumstances, it becomes a necessity to say lie.

A study telling the truth essay that telling the truth essay to somebody is always inadmissible and Human telling the truth essay an instinct to lie and that is probably one of the most common wrong act that we all have done. I cannot say that I have never lied before but I cannot also justified that it resulted into any good. There was this time People lie all time, whether it is about how much money we make, or if it was about drinking or doing drugs. It doesn't matter. The real question is why do we feel the need to lie? It's not only kids that lie, it is adults that Guy De Maupassant's short story, The Jewelry is not only is a realistic fiction, but truly questions the nature of deception, whether it is always beneficial to know the truth, telling the truth essay, and whether if living with lies actually A multitude of changes are occurring within an individual who is currently living through this telling the truth essay in their life.

This can be seen a lot within the film, telling the truth essay, Dead Since the beginning of time, humankind has been trying to answer a question: what is the reason for life. The response to this question isn't simple as it is not generally the same for everyone, telling the truth essay. It is not generally simple to A Man's Search For Meaning is finding a purpose in life in a bad situation. We are all guilty of looking at how bad we have it, when there are other people suffering a lot worse than us. There is meaning life, you are put on The very essence of the concept of change is to become something different or to arrive at a fresh, new stage, whether it is represented in life or in a text. The first few years of a child are critical in molding the brain network because it is the age that they learn the most quickly.

We use cookies to offer you the best experience. You cannot copy content from our telling the truth essay. If you need this sample, insert an email and we'll deliver it to you. Telling the Truth Or Lying Essay details Category: PsychologyPhilosophy Subcategory: Developmental PsychologyPhilosophical Concept Topic: LieTruth Words: 4 pages Download. Get quality help now Prof Saney Verified writer Proficient in: Developmental PsychologyPhilosophical Concept. Hire writer. More Essay Samples on Topic The Advantage of White Lies: When is Lying Okay. The Arguments on Why Lying is Wrong and When is Lying Okay. Why People Lie: Reasons for Lying. Use of Allegory to Represent Deception in the Jewelry Short Story.

Adolescence as a Providing Theme in Dead Poets Society. An Unexamined Life is not Worth Living. Telling the truth essay Themes of Hope, Optimism and Love in Man's Search for Meaning. My Father Began as a God, a Poem by Ian Mudie: the Change Concept. Infancy and Early Childhood Development.

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Telling The Truth Or Lying - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus

telling the truth essay

Telling the truth is better than hurting the people with the lies. Truth is the foundation for a good relationship. Once we tell a lie, we will have to speak many lies. Telling a lie will give only People who lie are constantly trying to remember the facts to their lie. “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said.” These are the words of Carl Rueben. If a person was This essay has been submitted by a student. From a young age, we are taught that telling the truth is always the right thing to do no matter the consequences. We understand what this

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